We are an innovative water engineering startup, laser-focused on better management of the world’s most important resource, water.
Through the confluence of data, models, and the deep insights of engineers and operators, we help teams harness the full capabilities of simulation models, paired with the insights of advanced data-analytics, to make better decisions, faster.

A core challenge of the Digital Transformation of water is bridging the informational, conceptual, and geographic boundaries of complex water systems. We believe that by leveraging the knowledge, data, and toolsets of distinct teams, we can identify solutions that will deliver better outcomes for utilities, for residents, and for the environment.
What we do
We work closely with consulting firms and utilities to understand how we can integrate trusted models together with data analytics in new, powerful ways to address planning and operational challenges. We develop solutions that enhance the value of the tools that engineers already use to yield deeper insights. And while we believe that data coupled with advanced algorithms can unlock enormous value, we believe that the greatest value of machine learning and AI is to better inform the engineers and operators who understand these complex systems inside and out.

Models/ Simulators
Understand system hydraulics for evaluating “what if” conditions

Instant insights from real-time data

Data-enabled insights in context,

Search algorithms find the best solutions, and identify tradeoffs

Data Analytics
Identify actionable patterns in observed and simulated datasets

Harness tacit knowledge and deep experience of engineers and operators
A smart water system is one that leverages all available assets – human, infrastructure, and data to meet system objectives. We integrate the power of simulation models with the rapid insight and feedback of data and analytics, conditioned by deep domain expertise, creating a positive feedback loop of constant learning and improvement.
Water utilities face unprecedented challenges to provide clean water, and to collect and treat wastewater while protecting the environment and contributing to the thriving of communities they serve. Population growth and climate change, coupled with the challenges of aging infrastructure, add to the uncertainty of these complex and critical systems. No one technology or approach provides the diversity of insight and analysis to meet the needs for clean and safe water. As utilities strive to save money and improve service through the power of data, we amplify the value of data through integration with physics-based models to support more effective, confident decisions for today’s system, and tomorrow’s.
How we work
We work as one team, with consulting engineers and utilities, to develop a data management, technical, and analytical workflow right-sized for the desired outcome. We elevate the productivity and value of engineers through processes that ease the data burden, so engineers can focus on solving complex problems requiring their domain understanding and technical training. We build repeatable processes that turn data into action.
Operationalize your model
Combine real-time measurements with the hydraulic model to produce advisory guidance and quantify the impacts of alternative operational decisions. Pull in rainfall prediction for a look ahead at how the system may be impacted.

Confluency Platform
We are building a platform for engineers and planners to seamlessly leverage the power of simulation and automation, together with data analytics, to scale their analyses to the needs of the challenge.
A beta version of the platform is available for demonstration on request.
Our Value

Integrate data and technical silos to deliver improved outcomes

Discover the power in big data coupled with engineering insights
Our Experience
Model Development and Calibration
CSO Control Planning
Green Infrastructure Prioritization
Real-time Control
Flood Risk Analysis
Alternatives Analysis
Machine Learning
Multi-Criteria Analysis
Energy Analysis
Automated Modeling Workflows
Optimization is a set of techniques to identify better and better solutions to challenging problems. Advanced algorithms search through a large set of potential actions, or decisions, to identify the best solutions for one or multiple objectives. Because water systems are intertwined through hydraulics, actions in one part of the system affect performance elsewhere. Optimization techniques enable decisions based upon holistic system performance that considers these hydraulic interactions. Engineering judgment in the definition of actions, estimating their costs, and quantifying performance, are essential to achieving meaningful outcomes from optimization.
Confluency has world-class expertise in the offline optimization of water and waste-water systems, as well as the real-time optimization of water systems to minimize energy costs. We have a strong understanding of linear, non-linear, and multi-objective optimization techniques which can be applied to a broad set of planning needs.
Optimization helps teams talk about actions and decisions in the language of data. By providing the technical foundation for comparing tradeoffs among solutions, optimization not only helps deliver real cost savings, but also shifts focus to how actual combinations of alternatives work together to solve problems.
Confluency is a service delivery partner with Optimatics, the leader in commercial water and wastewater optimization software, which combines the power of cloud computing with sophisticated algorithms to optimize water and wastewater systems. We work with utilities and consultants to capitalize upon the power of Optimizer to plan better.

Digital Twin
Digital twin technologies represent the aspiration to seamlessly combine models with real-time data to provide system insights for better operational outcomes, in the near term, which can offset the need for expensive capital improvements over time. Artificial intelligence provides increased potential to use existing assets – especially data – to meet growing needs.
We believe that Digital Twin technologies and AI provide extraordinary potential to enhance the management of water. And while Digital Twin is an emerging trend, the interlinked technologies it comprises are well-established: hydraulic modeling, sensors, control theory, and telecommunications. We work to separate the hype from the reality, and build upon existing data, models, and algorithms to deliver solutions that address specific operational and planning needs through integration of these distinct forms of knowledge. Still, at the end of the day, we believe the greatest value of AI is to enhance the performance of the people who make these systems work.